The power of quality environment

The power of quality envirnment

Quality – Environment – Success
 Successful people ensure that their environment is of the highest quality.
You’re probably familiar with the phrase “you are what you eat,” which implies you should follow a healthy diet if you wish to have a healthy body. That same idea applies to your mentality: the way you think is influenced by what you see and hear. Your living space, your friends, what you read – all of these act as “mind food” and are instrumental in influencing your thought processes.
For example, prolonged association with people who gossip will make you more likely to gossip. Conversely, prolonged association with people who only speak positively of others will cause you to do the same.
Make no mistake: you are affected by the company you keep.
Therefore, in order to become successful, do what successful people do: create a high-quality environment for yourself. Do this by making sure that your home, study area, work area, social circle and leisure time are all of the highest quality, meaning that they encourage you to grow as a person.
One way you can do this is by surrounding yourself with other successful people and studying them. When you have questions or are searching for advice, be sure to ask only those who are successful and are where you want to be in life. After all, the highest quality professionals always give the highest quality advice.
Also, be sure to surround yourself with the highest quality of friends – those who not only have their own ambitions but also believe in your ambitions and believe you’re capable of achieving them. Having this support system behind you will keep you motivated along the long, sometimes daunting, path to success.
In the end, if you want to be successful and accomplish your dreams, make sure you’re living in an environment that supports these goals.

Support system – Goals – success

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