Take 100% responsibility

Take 100% responsibility

for your life is fundamental to creating a successful life.
“You are creating your experiences, your success, the quality of your relationships, and your health by your thoughts and beliefs (beliefs are no more than thoughts you have conditioned yourself to think over and over), the visual images you focus on (internally and externally), the resulting emotions they create, and your actions…and you have total control over all three of these. “Personal responsibility is the key attitude for personal empowerment. It is to your full advantage to assume full responsibility for the circumstances of your life as well as your reactions to these circumstances.
“Therefore, without self-judgement or self-blame, you can focus your attention on understanding yourself and your range of choices that may be possible in any given circumstance. With this awareness you can make educated, intentional choices.
“When your choices don’t result in you getting things the way you thought you wanted them, you can look to understand what happened and what action you can take next, rather than looking for someone or some circumstance to blame.
“There is a simple formula that can help you understand and embrace 100% responsibility:
E + R = O Event + Response = Outcome
“Every outcome you experience in life is a result of how you’ve responded to an earlier event or events in your life.
#100 Responsibility #No blame #Event #Response #outcome

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